Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome For GoodHow to Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good I was working at a job I loved when I started to wonder whether I was a bit of a fraud. Digital strategy and client service was my forte. But when I was offered extra responsibilities that suddenly had me leading meetings with top affiliate weltumspannend marketers (while I had minimal experience in that field), I began to experience inadequacy. At times, I was certain I was about to be found out.When performance check-ins rolled around, Id wonder whether I was finally going to hear, Youre not going to make the cut. Yet every piece of feedback I received was positive.My aha moment came when I stumbled on an article about imposter syndrome - I swore I was reading about myself. Realizing that other successful people had experienced the same feelings was a great relief.Since then, Ive discovered others with imposter syndrome too many times to count. Just the other day, I was supervision a colleague when she started displaying a lot of the same symptoms low confidence and self-doubt, despite positive evaluations.When I told her about imposter syndrome, the same wave of relief washed over her.Simply put, its a psychological phenomenon shared by many high achievers who are convinced theyre inadequate and their achievements are merely luck.The phenomenon particularly affects Millennials . Studies have found that a third of todays twenty-somethings suffer from a severe lack of confidence in the workplace.People are also more likely to feel fraudulent when theyre already different from their colleagues. Women, people of color, and LGBTQ workers can be more at risk , according to the American Psychological Association (APA).Knowing how common this experience is should give us comfort, but we also need strategies for dealing with it and turning our desire to succeed into an advantage.Here are some tips Ive learned about dealing with imposter syndrome1. Recognize whats hap pening. Being able to identify what I was experiencing was huge - it put my feelings into perspective.Ask yourself, Why am I doubting myself? Try to identify why you have feelings of insufficiency. Even just recognizing your behaviors can help minimize them so you can reset and refocus with confidence.Are you a perfectionist? Do you rarely ask for help?According to the APA, those are both signsof the syndrome. Comparing yourself to others - their work, personality, or circumstances - is also often a telltale sign . Unfortunate as these traits may be, they can help you better identify whether you do have the fraudster phenomenon (and later, seek to change it).2. Remember Youre not alone. When Im feeling doubtful, I look to powerful women like Sheryl Sandberg and Jodie Foster who have also admitted to feeling like frauds.I thought it was a big fluke, said Foster about receiving her Academy Award for The Accused in 1988. I thought everybody would find out, and then theyd take the Os car back.Remembering that undeniably successful people share the same struggles can provide great perspective.3. Look at the data. Another great way to get perspective is data. Looking at the facts of our own achievements can ground our feelings, reassuring us about the objective impact weve made at work.Keep an eye on the key performance indicators tracked by your team. Collect the opinions of those you admire and trust. Use the facts as a reminder that you wouldnt be here if you were underperforming.4. Fake it till you make it. Projecting confidence leads others to have confidence in you. So while your selbst is feeling weak, just fake it for now . Communicate with confidence, practice eye contact, and smile at those around you. Gradually, you realize youre actually much more capable in a situation than you believed.5. Understand theres a journey ahead. Just recognizing youre struggling with imposter syndrome doesnt mean itll go away overnight. It takes time to actually overcome t hose feelings. Thats OK. Whats important is to establish coping and to continue tackling challenges with the mindset of, Ive overcome this before, and Ill do it again.6. Give others perspective about their achievements. Its important not just to use these strategies for ourselves, but for helping others who are suffering.When someone shows signs of self-doubt, ask, Why do you think youre struggling with confidence here? Does the evidence suggest youre not performing well? Help that person gain the same perspective youve discovered.Lets reframe imposter syndrome - not as a debilitating condition, but as a strength. Its correlated with great things, like being hungry for growth and high achievement. Experiencing feelings of fraudulence actually puts you in a pretty cool club. If you learn to recognize it for what it is, it can keep your ego in check and your eyes firmly set on the goals ahead.Sarah Johnson is Acceleration Partners vice president of client services. Sarah has served on APs leadership team for more than five years and is responsible for the success of its 60-member client services team and the happiness of our clients.

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