Tuesday, December 31, 2019

4 coffee-inspired cocktails to order out to take the edge off

4 coffee-inspired cocktails to order out to take the edge off4 coffee-inspired cocktails to order out to take the edge offNational Coffee Day is September 29, and java-lovers know that coffee is good morning, noon, and night. After work, celebrate the end of your week, and make happy hour a bit happier, with these rich cocktails that add taste and are delicious going down.The Bushy TailedThe Bushy Tailed cocktail at Lowcountry Bistro in Charleston, SC is a great choice anytime, but especially after a long work day. The sweetness mellows the whiskey and the orange liqueur gives it some depth of flavor.Cocktail recipe The Bushy Tailed1 oz. cold brew coffee1 oz. Virgil Kaine Rip Track Rye Whiskey oz. Grand Marnier oz. Maple syrup1 oz. Fresh creamOrange peel to garnishAdd the first four ingredients to a cocktail shaker, add ice and shake until well chilled. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice, top with cream, and garnish with the orange peel.Across 110th StreetThis nifty cocktail i s unusual due to its refreshingly fruity flavor profile not typically associated with cocktails containing a coffee element. Served at the JIMMY at The James, in New York, City, its interesting flavor is great for coffee-lovers. Ingredients Brugal Aejo, mango puree, espresso bean.Cocktail recipe Across 110th Street2 ounces Brugal Aejo ounce lime juice ounce simple syrup1 ounces mango pureeGrated espresso beanLime wedgeAdd the first four ingredients to a mixing tin, then shake with ice until chilled. Strain into a tall glass with pellet ice and swizzle to combine. Before serving, add grated espresso bean and garnish with a lime wedge.Espresso MartiniIf your travels take you to Orange County, Ca, make sure to visit YNK tucked in the Irvine Marriott, for a dreamy Espresso Martini. Made with Averna, espresso, and vanilla bean syrup, the cocktail is from the bars Italy menu but can still be ordered as an off-menu item. The intimate bar offers imbibers a dynamic ever-changing menu not b ased on the seasons.Cocktail recipeEspresso Martini1 1/2 ounce Averna1 1/2 ounce espresso, ounce vanilla bean syrupGarnish Lemon peel 3 coffee beansCombine all ingredients in a shaker tin. Ice, shake hard (20 times), strain, and garnish.Chickory Dickory DockServed the Hide Bar in Dallas, TX, this unique coffee cocktail not only incorporates coffee, but also chai tea. This cocktail is a best seller and is the perfect refreshing dirty chai for double the caffeine but with a little something extra to take the edge off. The cocktails ingredients include Irish whiskey, cold brew coffee, chai tea, sherry, condensed milk, black walnut bitters, and crushed ice.Cocktail recipeChickory Dickory Dock2 oz. pour (equal parts whiskey, coffee, chai tea, sherry).25 oz. Condensed milk2 dashes black walnut bittersShake very hard with crushed ice in a Collins glass, add lightly grated nutmeg on top.

Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Create a Job Description

How to Create a Job DescriptionHow to Create a Job DescriptionTrying to compete for top talent in a tough hiring market? Heres another question Do you know how to create a job description that can help you find the right candidates and set the stage for a new employees success?The?job description is?your hiring blueprint, and it needs to be thoroughly thought (or rethought) through. Do it well, and the rest of the hiring process - from?evaluating resumes?and?job applications?to?candidate selection, interviews?and?salary negotiation?- will flow much?mora easily. But writing?it poorly risks a prolonged, expensive hiring process and increases the possibility of making a bad hire.As you gather details to update or write a job description, you may want to seek input, if appropriate, from key personnel who will work directly with the new hire. These individuals may be able to provide valuable insight, because they understand the day-to-day workings of the department and the company.?Know ing how to create a job description thats tight and well-designed not only will help you find the right candidates during the search?process but also set the stage for a new employees success. With that information in hand, a new team member will have a set of clear guidelines and an accurate picture of the managers performance expectations from Day One.Essential elements of a great job descriptionIf youre copying and pasting the same job description over and over again into new job postings, you probably wont attract the candidates youre looking for. This document?should change with each posting?to suit the specifics of the available position. Heres what you need to coverJob title?(and job code number, if applicable) - Be specific here. Creative titles like Jedi, wizard and rock star might sound creative and appealing to candidates, but theyre vague. You want to choose a title that job seekers are searching for and will understand. Titles?should be short Simply refer to a?position as bookkeeper, even if the official internal title is Bookkeeper and Occasional Copier Technician/Intern Manager, Level 15.The opening hook - Writing?a powerful opening connects with your audience and generates excitement about the positions possibilities. A compelling introduction will also work to encourage potential candidates to read the rest of your job ad.Organization and culture - ?Tell job seekers about your company. To attract the best candidates, youll want to pique their interest in the organization, if not excite them over the prospect of working with you. Promote the companys strengths, lay out its mission, and paint a picture of?the corporate culture?and what its truly like to work there.Department - Job seekers will want to know which department within the company is hiring?- thats one way they tailor their cover letter and resume, research the position and decide whether theyd be a good fit for the job. Dont leave it to candidates to search for clues in your job description. Identifying the department will make both the application process and the vetting smoother.Robert Half can help you create a job description that attracts the right candidates. Let us know what your hiring needs are.REQUEST TALENTReporting structure - ?Let the candidate know exactly how the position fits into your organization. Give the supervisors job title and the titles of anyone the new hire would work with. If youre staffing a managerial role, include the number of direct reports the person?would supervise.Summary of the position - ?This is the heart of the job description. In a few sentences, give the jobs broadest responsibility, function or priority within the organization. Include an overview of expectations for the person who fills the role, the immediate and long-term objectives, and define what constitutes exceptional performance. Be as clear as possible, so the candidate understands the jobs responsibilities and the criteria for success. If you need more sp ace, consider presenting this section in bullet points to make it easier to digest.Key duties and responsibilities - ?This narrows down the primary responsibility mentioned in the summary section. Help candidates to envision themselves already in the role. Give the estimated percentage of time to be spent on each duty (which should add up to 100 percent), and how often each is performed (daily, weekly, or periodically). If you include this detail, make koranvers the breakdown accurately reflects the work the employee will be doing by running the description past the team.?Compensation - ?There are?pros and cons to including a salary range?in a job posting, but candidates should know upfront whether the position is exempt or nonexempt. Even if you dont include a salary range in the job listing, establish one ahead of time cousined on the education and experience required for the job, along with the general level of compensation within your branch, organization, department and?region. ?If you decide not to give a figure, include language about offering a competitive salary. (And always research salaries?in your market for the position youre staffing. You want to meet, if not beat, market rates.) Also, be sure to highlight the benefits and perks - for fruchtwein job seekers, that information is as important as the salary figure.Job location and attendance expectations - Be sure the posting includes the location of the office where the employee would work. Flextime,?telecommuting, job-sharing and other?alternative work arrangements?are increasingly common today, and if your company has?this kind of flexibility, its a great selling point to mention. But if the manager?requires their?employees to be at their?desks from 8?a.m. to 5 p.m., no ifs, ands or buts, your job description should say so.A qualifying statement - ?No job ad?will include a totally exhaustive list of duties - nor should it. Make clear that the employees responsibilities may be revised from time to time, based on business needs.Qualifications - ?What knowledge, skills, training, language fluency, aptitude or relevant experience should the successful applicant have? The more specific?you are here, the more qualified the applicants are likely to be. Just make sure the qualifications you set are absolute necessities, rather than nice-to-haves, or you might deter individuals with great potential.Educational requirements - ?List degrees, certificates and licenses the job?requires. If experience is an acceptable substitute for one of these requirements, be specific about?what youd consider as an alternative.?Qualities or attributes - In addition to required?hard skills, education and experience, consider what qualities and?interpersonal skills?would contribute to superior performance. Do you expect the new hire to show initiative? Do you want top-notch customer service and?communication skills? Dont overdo it here - a litany of virtues will put off candidates. Instead, list?the four or five qualities you value in top performers who already hold this role in your company?and explain?why these qualities are needed for the job. If youre looking for someone who is great with clients or diligent about compliance and enjoys being in the weeds, for example, say so.Final thoughts on how to create a job descriptionWhatever elements you include, write the job description in plain language. Avoid using jargon that might be common within your company but is inscrutable to outsiders. Clear and concise language will be appreciated by job seekers and minimize the risk of misunderstandings in the hiring process.Equally important Be honest. Job descriptions that overstate or understate what a position entails, including the hours and pace of the work, can lead to hiring mistakes and hard feelings later on. An inaccurate or overblown ad?can create false expectations, setting your company up for a mismatch. Hiring mistakes are often the result of descriptions that dont accu rately reflect what?a position entails. Make sure you present an up-to-date, candid picture of the job. Dont be tempted to candy-coat realities about long hours, the pace of work or other such aspects of the position. Well-written job descriptions leave no question as to a?positions roles and responsibilities.Savvy job-seekers will apply for the opening only if they meet those qualifications and feel comfortable performing the duties explained in the description. As a result, youll be less likely to hire someone who doesnt enjoy - or worse, cant perform - ?the required tasks if youve created a targeted, accurate job description on which to base the job posting. Whats more, good job descriptions can help top talent better describe their abilities in their resumes so you can see exactly how they match the requirements of the position.When you begin?evaluating candidates, compare the job description to each resume and look for commonalities. The people whose applications match the maj ority of your requirements will be the ones youll want to answer your list of interview questions to ask potential employees. By serving as a standard tool by which to judge all applicants, the description helps ensure every person youre considering has a strong chance of performing well in the role.And heres another important tip Teaming up with a specialized staffing firm gives you access to hiring experts who not only know how to create a job description thats outstanding but can also do the job of recruiting for you. Most importantly, youll gain access to a large base of talented candidates you might not otherwise find searching on your own. Tags

Sunday, December 22, 2019

ASME Hosts Congressional Briefing Focusing on the Future of Regenerative Medicine

ASME Hosts Congressional Briefing Focusing on the Future of Regenerative Medicine ASME Hosts Congressional Briefing Focusing on the Future of Regenerative Medicine ASME Hosts Congressional Briefing Focusing on the Future of Regenerative MedicineDean Kamen, executive director of the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, discussed the institutes new tissue foundry during the keynotlagee address at the congressional briefing on April 10.ASME recently sponsored a briefing on Capitol Hill in partnership with the House Manufacturing Caucus to highlight the challenges facing regenerative medicine. The briefing, titled Organs on Demand Whats Stopping Us from Made-to-Order Tissues and Organs, brought together leaders in the field of regenerative medicine who are working to take this technology to the next level.The purpose of the briefing, which took place April 10 at the Rayburn House Office Building, was to educate members of Congress and congressional staff on the opportunities th at advances in this field have created for the future of modern healthcare, as well as some of the challenges preventing these opportunities from becoming a reality. Cosponsors of the briefing included the United Engineering Foundation, AIChE, AIME, ASCE and IEEE-USA. David Vasko, director of advanced technology at Rockwell Automation, addressed some of the major obstacles related to the commercialization of regenerative medicine at the briefing.Dean Kamen, executive director of the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) kicked off the event by delivering the keynote address. He discussed the work ARMI is undertaking, with a particular emphasis on ARMIs new tissue foundry. Currently, patients in need of an organ transplant are limited in their options. They must wait for a suitable donor to come from another patient, after which they will spend the rest of their lives taking a cocktail of immunosuppresants to ensure their new organs are not rejected. But in the future, what if it were possible to simply grow a new organ from the patients own cells? This is what lies at the heart of ARMIs tissue foundry. Kamen explained that the goal of the foundry is to create a space where new organs can be manufactured from a patients own cells, thereby eliminating the need to take an organ from another patient, as well as the myriad of immunosuppressant drugs the patient is required to take.Kamen also explained that the regenerative medicine field is new and continuously evolving. There are very few large players in this market, with the majority of the work being carried out by small, innovative companies. At the current time, the majority of the research in regenerative medicine is taking place on a small scale in laboratories. Looking to other manufacturing fields outside of healthcare, it is easier to identify major players that are pushing technology forward. But the field of regenerative medicine, while small with relatively few players, i s moving the needle on technological innovation and healthcare at a rapid rate. In discussing the work of ARMI and how regenerative medicine fits into the framework of American additive manufacturing, he noted, Were small compared to them other manufacturing industry players, but were big compared to nothing. Jon Rowley, chief product officer at RoosterBio Inc., noted that the cost of tissue engineering must decrease in order for it to become commercially viable.Following Kamens address, David Vasko, director of advanced technology at Rockwell Automation, spoke to the audience about some of the major obstacles standing in the way of creating tissue foundries and bringing regenerative medicine to the commercial market. Currently, these technologies take place on a small scale in a laboratory. This is expensive and hard to scale up due to the current regulatory climate and amount of time the technology takes. Introducing automation into the mix could have a significant impact on how regenerative medicine would look in the future, he said.Jon Rowley, chief product officer of RoosterBio Inc., built on the premises Vasko discussed. Rowley explained that cells are the foundation of regenerative medicine. One of the biggest factors preventing regenerative medicine from large-scale commercialization, however, is the cost of cells. Currently the technology associated with regenerative medicine is very expensive. It can take millions to billions of cells to construct a new piece of tissue. Rowley noted that for tissue engineering to become commercially viable, the cost of the raw materials must decrease and consequently as costs get reduced, sustainable businesses become a reality. Claudia Zylberberg, chief executive officer of Akron Biotech, spoke about the cell therapy process and state funding of regenerative medicine during her presentation at the briefing.Rounding out the panel was Dr. Claudia Zylberberg, chief executive officer of Akr on Biotech. Zylberberg broke down for the audience how cell therapies work, starting with blood collection and processing, all the way to end stage treatment. She also provided the same explanations for tissue engineering, building off of Rowleys discussion in which he showed how cells and cell therapies are the foundation of tissue engineering. In addition, Zylberberg highlighted specific organizations dedicated to regenerative medicine at a state level. Through Zylberbergs presentation, the state-by-state disparities in funding was made starkly clear. California and Texas are the leaders in state funding for regenerative medicine, both providing $3 billion a year to their organizations.Zylberberg also provided a macro-level view of funding for regenerative medicine, pointing out that in 2018, nearly 1,000 companies were active in the regenerative medicine space, 50 percent of which were American. These companies raised $13.3 billion, a 73 percent increase form 2017. By 2024, the r egenerative medicine market is expected to reach $40 billion.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

5 Financial Habits to Start With Your First Job

5 Financial Habits to Start With Your First Job5 Financial Habits to Start With Your First JobThe habits that you start out doing are the ones that will follow you throughout your life. When you are starting your first job after college, you are in a great position to make some choices that can help you to be successful financially. A survival guide can help you stay on track when looking for your job.Landing a good job is only part of being able to build wealth and being successful. It is just as important to manage your money welland start savingin order to make it work for you. Even if you are not making a lot of money, these habits can set you down the path to building wealth and being successful. 01Save for RetirementHero Images/Hero Images/Getty ImagesWhether it is money or time, make it a priority to find a way to give back to your community or the world in general. There are so many people struggling throughout the world, and you have the opportunity to make a difference. If you establish the habit when you are young, it will be easier to continue to help as you get older and busier. The volunteer opportunities may be simple like volunteering for a day or two each year at your local food pantry or more extensive like doing volunteer tourism. No matter what you choose, be sure to research to make sure that the money or time that you donate is doing the good you want it to.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

7 Bad Signs You May Be Accidentally Sending at Work

7 Bad Signs You May Be Accidentally Sending at Work7 Bad Signs You May Be Accidentally Sending at WorkWhen it comes to how youre perceived at work, it might be tempting to think that the quality of your work is all that matters. But the reality is that your colleagues perceptions of you depend on much more than just the work you produce. Consciously or unconsciously, most people in a workplace pay attention to everything from who you hang out with to how youve decorated your amtsstube. And while that might sound superficial, its human nature to make assumptions from all the data you give people.Wondering what signals you might be sending without even realizing it? Here are some of the most common.1. What Time Do You Arrive and Leave Each Day?In most workplaces, the number of hours you spend in the office still matters. If youre out the door as soon as the clock strikes 5 PM every day or if you regularly show up after 10 AM, you risk being seen as someone whos putting in the bare mini mum, not fully committed to work, or even getting away with something. In fact, research shows that even if you have your bosss explicit permission to work a flexible schedule, managers often assume that employees who show up at work later in the day are less conscientious and less effective at their jobs. (The good news? You might be in luck if your manager is a night owl. Researchers also found that night owls are less likely to judge people by what hours they choose to work.)More From DailyWorthWant to Make the Right Impression? Pick the Right PropsAre You Inadvertently Sabotaging Your Success?The 7 Biggest Mistakes Managers Make2. Who Do You Hang Around With at Work?No matter how good your work is, if your closest work relationships are with co-workers who slack off, chronically complain, or have strained relationships with your organizations management, youre at risk of being seen the same way. Colleagues will assume that you wouldnt be spending so much time with these particul ar work mates if you didnt share a similar orientation to work or at least sympathize with their viewpoints. Whether or not thats reasonable is up for debate, but its a common perception.Of course, the opposite of this is also true If you mainly hang out with your companys high achievers, youre more likely to be seen as possessing a similar work ethic and approach to office life. (And it might even rub off for real- group norms about work ethic are often contagious)3. How Do You Behave in Meetings?Yes, if youre like most people, you attend too many meetings and struggle to stay awake at times. But if you regularly remain silent in meetings and dont participate, your colleagues are likely to think that you either dont have much to contribute or that youre disengaged. The latter is especially true if youre obviously checking your phone, responding to emails, or otherwise preoccupied with your laptop screen. Other meeting behaviors might be sending off signals you dont intend as well. Spending the meeting slouched down into your chair can make you come across as uninterested or lacking confidence. Looking impatient to get your turn while others are speaking can make you seems overly aggressive or simply rude. And of course, dont forget to think about your facial ausprgung If youre rolling your eyes or looking angry in a meeting, people are likely to notice it and think it anything from unprofessional to signs of a serious attitude problem.4. How Do You Decorate Your Office?Just like you might expect people to draw conclusions from how you dress and groom yourself, theyll also draw conclusions from the way you decorate your office.If your workspace is completely bare of any personalization- no photographs, no personal trinkets, nothing on the walls- you might be giving the impression that youre just passing through. Rightly or wrongly, adding an art print and a few photos or knick knacks can show the space is inhabited and help change how people see you.Of course, the opposite end of the spectrum comes with problems too. If your desk and shelves are spilling over with personal photos and figurines and visitors have nowhere to sit because your collection of clay rabbit figurines is taking up every spare surface, you risk looking like your focus is on something other than work. If youd need to rent a small van to carry all your personal belongings home, it might be time to pare things down.5. How Do You Interact With Higher-Ups?How you interact with senior leaders will often shape how people view your readiness for more senior roles- and if youve ever seen anyone do it wrong, you know how much it matters to get it right.Some people are overly stiff and formal when talking with their companys leaders, which in most modern workplaces will come across as tone-deaf. Nor do you want to appear intimidated, obsequious, or overly concerned with being deferential. Of course, on the other extreme, you also dont want to bulldoze over higher-ups (or anyon e) in conversation or be overly adversarial. Its fine to express dissent- and savvy leaders dont want yes-men (or yes-women)- but if you cross over into pushy, youll come across as inappropriately aggressive.6. How Do You Treat the Janitor?Youre probably at least reasonably warm and polite to your boss after all, your paycheck is riding on it. But how do you treat the office janitor, the temps in the mailroom, or the guy who sells pretzels in the lobby? The old saying about judging a date by how he treats the wait staff applies at work too. If you snap at people or dont acknowledge their presence- regardless of their role- youll come across as a jerk. But if you treat everyone with respect and warmth, youll usually earn respect at all levels.7. How Do You Deal With Mistakes?I used to tell my staff that in nearly every case, the way they handled a mistake mattered far more to me than the mistake itself. Downplaying a mistake is one of the worst things you can do on the job. If your b oss isnt confident that youll give her bad news directly or be forthright about a problem, youll destroy her trust in you. If you dont proactively own up to and take responsibility for mistakes, youre signaling that she cant count on you to keep her informed when it counts. A smart manager will respond to that by giving you less autonomy and high-profile, important work.The best thing you can do when you make a mistake it to come clean. Explain what you did, why you were wrong, and what you propose doing about it now. This also works in retrospect. For instance Do you remember how last month I argued for moving forward with that project when Jane insisted it was a bad idea? I was wrong. Heres what Ive realized since then. This type of candor and responsibility-taking is powerful because it instills in your boss the confidence that you will give her bad news directly, and she wont need to worry that shell only get negative information if she digs for it.Alison Green writes the popula r Ask a Manager blog, where she dispenses advice on careers, job search, and management issues. Shes also the author of How To Get a Job Secrets of a Hiring Manager and Managing to Change the World The Nonprofit Leaders Guide to Getting Results, and the former chief of staff of a successful nicht gewinnorientiert organization, where she oversaw day-to-day staff management, including hiring and firing.Photo of sign courtesy of Shutterstock.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What the Pros Arent Saying About Do You Need an Objective on Your Resume and What This Means For You

What the Pros Arent Saying About Do You Need an Objective on Yur Resume and What This Means For You Do You Need an Objective on Your Resume - the Conspiracy Understanding how to name your resume is vitally important. As a result, while your resume objective should incorporate information on the career which you want, you also wish to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. At times, an objective on resume can lower the likelihood of succeeding. If youve got the sole objective in a sea of resumes, it simply might provide help. Be specific, and offer relevant statistics wherever its possible. Simple, a resume objective 2019 is excellent, but always based on your objective. If it is leid relevant to your intended job objectives, reconsider its place on your resume. Resume objectives are rather straightforward to use and very beneficial. Whenever you would like to emphasize that youre ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skil ls for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. Use an Objective if youre looking for a certain opportunity or an opportunitywithin a particular discipline. Do You Need an Objective on Your Resume and Do You Need an Objective on Your Resume - The Perfect Combination Always take into consideration whatever is the work position looking for. If you opt not to incorporate an objective, thats fine, but you ought to give thought about whether it may aid you in receiving the hiring managers interest. Try to remember, youre not trying to find a job you are just looking to find out more about their position and company they are working at because youve got similar interests. If youre asking for a news applications development job, for instance, your previous expertise in the restaurant service business is great but not relevant here. Each level focuses on unique abilities and experience, placing the most significant front and center. Apart from that, you have to list your working experience and education in the reverse chronological order so that the absolute most recent one remains at the peak of your resume. The most difficult portion of applying for employment is obtaining an interview and receiving the opportunity to speak to your employer in person. Most grad programs require some type of private statement, which is where youll receive the very best opportunity to inform the school why your experiences and interests make you the very best candidate for the program. At any time you make an application for a professional-level position, you will probably be requested to submit a resume. Unfortunately not, youll need to share your resume eventually, but keep it as the previous step in your search process in contrast to the first, and remember to include your elevator pitch. Your very first step is to choose the format most appropriate for you. For each position or kind of position youre seeking you need to create an edition of Res ume tailored to it. Objectives are a bit bit controversial as it can make you appear unprofessional (if you dont dont utilize it right) and they can replace virtually every section of the resume. Writing an objective statement at the peak of your resume will remind your reader of your targets and abilities, even when you havent proven them on the work yet. Writing a resume is often harder than you may expect. Resume Profile A resume profile is a quick overview of your finest skills and qualifications. If your Objective says youre searching for a full-time job and youre asking for a part-time internship, you will probably be disqualified immediately. You may also download totally free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. The Secret to Do You Need an Objective on Your Resume Interviewing for employment is extremely much like going to a dinner party. Dont forget, you can store as many as five resumes on Monster. Employers could be considering h undreds of resumes, states Britt, For a single position. They care far more about your successes, and how you can mirror them at their company.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

5 Reasons to Market Yourself with an Infographic

5 Reasons to Market Yourself with an Infographic Infographics graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. And to de-Wikipedia the definition, infographics are basically a bunch of data/information compiled into a visual(s). Before working at Recruiter.com, I had never heard of an infographic. Yet, I quickly learned that theyre everywhereand for good reason.Take this infographic by internet entrepreneur Neil Patel, for example. The infographic, So You Want me to Speak at Your Event? is about Patel, his background and credentials. Instead of simply saying, Contact for speaking requests, Patel gives visitors a visual down low on just who he is and why hed be suitable for a speaking engagement.He starts off with his background, explaining where he currently lives and some of his work experiences. Offering location inform ation up front is very helpful for visitors because it immediately lets them know where he would have to travel from if requested to speak. The work experiences also offer a little background information on his skills.Patel then moves on to why he decided to enter his current profession of an entrepreneur. He doesnt just list his achievements, like most of us do on resumes. Patel also lists some failures, like trying to copy Monster.com in 2002 and losing millions of dollars in a bad investment deal in 2006. What does that tell someone thinking of using him as a speaker? He is honest, transparent and has learned life lessons applicable to his current role.The remainder of the infographic explains Patels current role, the companies hes worked with, how he speaks at more than 25 conferences a year, and lists some of his reviews. At the end, he includes an interactive contact form.What an interesting and innovative way to market yourself and build your personal brand. And the use of in fographics doesnt just stop there. Because they can be so dynamic, you can create an infographic to market yourself in almost any arena, especially while on the job hunt.Below are just five of the many reasons you may want to try creating an infographic in your job search endeavors1. QuickIn our microwave society weve absinken under a cloud of instant gratification. Most people want information fast and they want it now. Recruiters and hiring managers can be the same when it comes to parsing resumes.Creating an infographic to give employers offers condensed information thats quick and to the point. Like an elevator speech, an infographic detailing you as a candidate is a quick and easy way to display your work experience and skills alongside the longer and more detailed resume and cover letter.2. Attention GrabberInfographics are visually appealing. Like video, people are more compelled to look at something when visuals are attached. Infographics are colorful and have images and coo l font styles. Lets face it theyre more attractive than the black-and-white resume.3. CreativeUsing an infographic helps show off your creativity and ability to think outside the box. This is especially true if you designed the infographic. Yet, even if you didnt, having the idea to add an infographic to your application shows potential employers you know how to stand out from the crowd. This way of promoting your brand could most certainly help you land a job as employers recognize valuable traits within you.4. Enhancerbehauptung visuals help enhance and support your resume and/or application. Similar to how a cover letter supports a resume, infographics can supplement your entire application package.5. RevealingInfographics can also help to display your personality better than a traditional resume. Employers will see that youre creative, innovative and that youre determined by going the extra mile. Sometimes its hard to adequately assess an individual solely based off of his/her r esume. By using an infographic, you can include things about your personality not listed on your resume. This can really help give employers an image of who you are.